Took a bit of a break from blogging. Too many changes, and venting here would have not been wise. :) So... Here I am, back to the land of blogging. at least, intermittently.
Work is busybusy and every day I'm exhausted when I get home. Remind me when I'm starting my family, that I will be blessed to have children one or two at a time. No need to have a house of 10 two year olds all at one time. :)
School is hard, as grad school should be. It's hard working fulltime and going to school fulltime and being a fulltime girlfriend and trying to have any other kind of life. But I have a very supportive man in my life, who makes sure I get my homework done.
Beau's house is coming together beautifully. Here, here's a picture of me cooking dinner last week.

The kitchen and living room are this fun gold yellow color, "palomino gold". :) looks great with the red accents, the chocolate brown from the other room, the dark wood table and chairs (table from donations from the community center, chairs from sam's club), and the caramel colored sofa from rooms to go.
Here's the living room, as viewed from the front room/entry room. big couch is perfect for the groups of people that come hang out at random times.
All in all, my life is getting a rhythm to it, and I am once again looking forward to new things.