my first attempt to be creative came in the form of these cute little baby booties. :) found this pattern and decided i wanted to try it... if they came out well, i'd make some for my cousin's baby, and maybe even baby nora, and any other babies that might be coming... lots of babies in my world. so... here are the results...

first attempt, red felt with white buttons. I think they came out super cute. slightly elfish, but i still enjoy them :)

for my second attempt, i used a cotton fabric, with red felt bottoms. i modified the pattern a little, and added a little wrap to the toe part of the shoe, opened the opening up a little more. very hippy-esque, and i love them... so little, so perfect, so cute. :)
next time around i will try lining them with a sturdier fabric (like the felt), and finish off the edges so they're slightly more polished. *and* i will make the overlap go to the outside instead of to the inside like this pair. still figuring out directions when you've got things inside out. i'm too much of a visual person that it takes me a while to figure out which side goes where.

my next attempts at being creative were directed towards flowers. yo-yos were the first ones, and somehow in transporting them from one place to another, i have misplaced the one with the cute green buttons. it will turn up, and when it does i will post them. the other one is a larger flower, with a slightly different pattern... i just wanted to see what it looked like. i need to make adjustments the next time i make it, but i think it came out whimsically. :)
i even set up my enlarger in the spare bedroom at beau's house, and unpacked my darkroom equipment. just need some tables, some water, and to mix my chemicals, darken the room, and we'll be in business! :) yippee!!!